11 x 15 cm
ISBN: 978-2-916383-05-7
November 2008
9 euros


  At the death of her uncle, Natalia Ruiz was surprised to discover hundreds of sentimental novels in her uncle’s cellar. As she couldn’t keep this embarrassing and disconcerting heritage, she decided to keep only the front and back covers of these paperbacks. She transformed this odd material into a pictorial and literary work: One Night Pirate. On the one hand she produced watercolour copies of the front-page pictures (pink for kisses, blue for an embrace), on the other hand she used the titles and mixed them according to rhythm and rhymes to produce short poems.
One Night Pirate with its water colours on the left page and poems on the right page is a poignant panorama of a feminine dream colonised by industrial fantasy and recurrent standardized love models.
One Night Pirate is a love story written by a young Western woman at the very beginning of the 21th century.

see an extract

Pirate d’un soir
(One Night Pirate)
Natalia Ruiz
Imagème series
64 pages
full color printing