Comrades, I Now Am on the Right, is a book about montage, as one might say in cinema-speak. It's based on collage, pictures pasted together, pictures, words, and phrases.
Like found footage, the images and text have been made by others, have already been seen elsewhere, all of this before
Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa
borrowed them from newspapers, television and magazines. Now that he's on the right and making some concessions, he's reproduced these found images with the infinite delicacy and subtlety that water colour allows, thinning down today's portraits, watchwords, slogans, heroes, and ideologies. No one is spared: Jacques Chirac, Georges Bush, Nicolas Sarkozy, Spiderman, Pinochet, Lara Croft, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Michael Jackson, Ariel Sharon, Jean Baudrillard, Philippe Candeloro, Jean-Luc Delarue, Bernard-Henri Lévy, Hulk, the police and the army —all get their share in an order that obstinately refuses to turn out as a discourse.
This is why Agirregoikoa is still a comrade, still one of us. His art of collage is one which breaks away, an art which goes to the edge, an art of distance, stupid also and gross: a radically disgraceful art. As always, what counts in works of montage is not so much what we find within, what we find in the pictures per se, but rather in the folds, the mishaps, the impossible connexions in the margin —that tiny space, that void which holds the pictures together and sets them apart as well.

see an extract
à présent je suis
de droite

(Comrades, I Now Am on the Right)
Juan Pérez Agirregoikoa
Imagème series

152 pages
full-color printing
15 x 21 cm
ISBN: 2-9520842-5-4
October 2005
16 euros